Monday, May 24, 2010

Treats abound

My parents are divorced. This is not an ideal situation, but it does mean that I get to celebrate each holiday twice.

This includes birthdays, baby. That means twice the treats.

And when it's my birthday, that means twice the chocolate.

As Martha Stewart says, it's a good thing.
This is the birthday cake my mom lovingly baked for me. Please take note of its location in the microwave. This is no accident.
Cake domes are unnecessary space-wasters. Microwaves keep cakes just as fresh.
As long as you don't accidentally nuke the cake. Then... well, then you'd probably go buy a cake dome.
So that was Treat #1. I told my dad not to get me a birthday cake because I already had one, and it was staying nice and fresh in the microwave. I thought I'd make things easy on him and told him to just go to the grocery store and get three cupcakes — one for him, one for my brother, one for me. Simple and satisfying.
This is what he presented to me:

Somehow three grocery-store cupcakes turned into 12 Trophy cupcakes, two of each flavor they had available. There are vanilla/chocolate cupcakes, chocolate/vanilla cupcakes, red velvet cupcakes, waffle cupcakes(??), peanut butter cupcakes and my personal favorite: chocolate/chocolate cupcakes.
My daddy just wanted my birthday to be special.
Like I said... it's a good thing.

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