Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Advice For Myself

Get up when the first alarm rings. We both know the second alarm is a lost cause.

Say "good morning" and "thank you" to everyone.

Make a decision. Any decision. Don't second-guess.

Take more photos. Especially of people and animals. They make you the happiest.

Forgive yourself early and often.

Go to the library. Wander around and pluck about five interesting-looking books off the shelves. Read them. Remember how happy this used to make you when you did it all the time.

Buy a hammock. Set it up in the sun. Nap.

Be gracious when responding to a compliment. Don't undercut the gesture by pointing out something negative.

Make funny faces at babies. It's hilarious, every time.

Keep going to the pool. Bring the fire to the slow lane.

Create a Facebook fan page. Don't be afraid that no one will "Like" it (or like it). Nobody can like it either way if it's not there.


Enjoy a good beer once a week. Make sure it's really cold.

Compile and print all the nice emails, comments and tweets you've received. Refer to them when you feel like what you have to say doesn't matter.

Don't be afraid to ask.

The emergency bag of chocolate chips you have in the pantry is an excellent idea. Keep that going.

Print, frame and hang your favorite photos. It's long overdue, and they deserve it.


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  1. Simple ideas for a happier life. Thank you for posting this. I'll be following some of your advice!

  2. Thanks for the nice comment, Suz. I'll be real... the hammock is TOP priority!

  3. What are some beers you recommend? Not a huge fan of beer but willing to try something new..

  4. I love fruity beers! My favorites are Kona Wailua Wheat and Pyramid Apricot Ale. I also like Mac & Jack's African Amber and Manny's Pale Ale. Redhook is great and has a range of beers for all tastes. Go to a local brewery and try a sampler of several different kinds to see what you like!


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